Today I went to the market. I had barely spent ten minutes in the scorching sun when I started grumbling within me, "This Nigeria self; see as the sun day hot!", "I wish I was born somewhere but Africa!", "If only I had my car now, I wouldn't be under this pre-hell As I was walking and murmuring, I saw a young man about the same age as myself. He didn't seem bothered by the sun at all. I watched with keen interest as he pushed a wheelbarrow full of loads which I probably wouldn't have been able to move with only half the load in it. He was sweating profusely and the sun had darkened his skin color in a highly unpleasant manner. Apparently he didn't seem to care about it at all. The most important thing on his mind was the little wage he would earn from that task. Not long after, I saw 5 little children who were beggars on the street. They were sharing an almost empty plate of rice of which I myself in my least hungry state would not take anythi...