To participate -follow all saefexperience social handles. -submit your work to saefpoem@gmail.com or simply send it as a DM -be sure to include your handle so I can tag you. -also upload your work on your page with the hashtag #saefexperienceartscontest -get your friends to like and comments. -winner will be declared on the 20th of November. #saefexperience #saefpoem #poetry #poetrycommunity #poetrycontest #spokenwords #photography #photographer #photographycontest #painting #paintingcontest #poems #storytelling #storytellingcontest #story #storyteller #artsy #artscontest Contestant with the highest likes wins. Winner will be announced on all saefexperience pages and credited immediately. The top three will get his/her works published on saefpoem.blogspot.com For more enquiries, whatsapp 08112817639. Goodluck!!!