Rising From The Ashes

You can’t leave me out for too long, Because my mind wanders freely, Both on the good and the bad, It creates both my fantasies and nightmares. The mind have ideas of its own, It goes wild searching for answers to queries, But at the same time it doesn’t only seek knowledge, It also help the heart to seek solutions. The thoughts helped the heart to heal, It created dreams of kisses in the rain, Helping it forget about the nightmares, Of what ifs and maybes, And all other doubts, And while the mind wanders, it build bridges, Reaching far away places, Seeing amazing people, Though at the same time, It builds walls Protecting what ought be saved and secured. Please be there when the mind creates the foundation, Because it might lead for me to closed down, Or create a castle of my own, Where everything is kept a secret, Dark and mysterious, Or full of wonders. -izzaaazombie