Sanity was dressed in filth And nobody recognized her. The long days and warm nights Sped along, chased one another, And were lost in time. And time, Men, and something within us Conspired against us and our innocence. The gloom of the land rushed on to meet us. Suddenly four white lads were about us. "I'll have these ones, " a cucumber-headed lad said. "What's the matter?" We asked. "You're going to fight us," he said. "We fight fair," another said. "We don't want to fight," We said. "You'll fight!" said cucumber -head. Why?" "We want to kill you!" "What have we done," We cried "You're black," the third lad said. "Ready! "For this much all men know: Despite compromise, War, struggle, the Negro is not free”. The Negro is not free For we sow while others reap The golden increment of bursting fruit, Not always countenance, ab...