Deep thoughts

I dug myself into a poetic hole and couldn't get out, so I dug deeper,dived into 10,000 emerald pools, my mind is a place I love to take shelter in,my pen makes me feel soft and safe,. Really wouldn't mind a tutorial on how to think less, I'll like to think you decipher, you should know I talk less and say more. And here the story goes..... At the bottom of the ocean, A tortoise approached me in his usual slow motion, He said; thou seek understanding of your origin, I concurred; it's the only lesson have been taught from a margin. You were born and raised in the heart of a thick black forest, Where happiness was profound but needs where sorest, Your father is 'doubt' and your mother 'knowledge' The only problem was they had a lot of brains but no polish. They had you and called you 'deep thoughts', Your mother remolded words and fixed your story, Your dad,churls,although his eyes were kind, Was always with you while you wrestled ...