Will you stay when the storm comes?

Will you stay when the storm comes? So a story I heard inspired me to write this. A young man was dating a lady for like a year with the intention to marry her soon. He lost his job and the lady bailed immediately. She didn't even give him time to find another one. She left him in the middle of the storm with no support. She made it clear that their relationship was on the basis he had a good job and money at hand. So as I listened to the story, I was thinking if they had married and the guy lost his job. What would she have done? If you are planning to marry someone you should be able to help the person through certain storms, it is just a test of your true character. If you are the "no money no love type", you will get what you deserve eventually. If you are in a relationship with someone and the person adds no value to your life. It is an abusive and parasitic relationship. Most likely the person just likes you because of what you can offer at the moment,...