HE 4 SHE One stereotype here another there, Calls what ought to be a human right a privilege, To seek out sorrow that dwells everywhere, Rights and freedom, over sacrilege. Do you need the opposite sex to validate your self-worth? Being glad about a new foolish quiet mirth. Men sometimes don’t realize gender inequality is their issue too, They see expressing emotions as a sign of weakness, The injuries that to yourself you do, A little bit of outlaw, a little bit of Jesus. Why can’t men express emotions and be what they please? A buoyant Spirit and a heart at ease. Men who need women to get their shit together are not attractive, Women who need men to be happy are spoilt little imps, Would that your brain was as active, You will realize the difference between a child and a shrimp, Why should everyone learn to cook and do household chores? So you feed yourself, your loved ones and be self-dependent. ...