


Image result for images for gender equality


One stereotype here another there,
Calls what ought to be a human right a privilege,
To seek out sorrow that dwells everywhere,
Rights and freedom, over sacrilege.
Do you need the opposite sex to validate your self-worth?
Being glad about a new foolish quiet mirth.

Men sometimes don’t realize gender inequality is their issue too,
They see expressing emotions as a sign of weakness,
The injuries that to yourself you do,
A little bit of outlaw, a little bit of Jesus.
Why can’t men express emotions and be what they please?
A buoyant Spirit and a heart at ease.

Men who need women to get their shit together are not attractive,
Women who need men to be happy are spoilt little imps,
Would that your brain was as active,
You will realize the difference between a child and a shrimp,
Why should everyone learn to cook and do household chores?
So you feed yourself, your loved ones and be self-dependent.

I had a friend who became a stranger,
It was because his friends told him to man up,
At some point, he felt his life was in danger,
Oh! Had he not been so eager to sup,
In his words; should a lady earn more than her man?
I had better quit this relationship while I can.

When your girlfriend succeeds,
It should make you proud not vulnerable,
Give to her all the attention she needs,
Men who can't love are so predictable,
Is a real man supportive and generous?
Yes! And confident in his own abilities.

Although equality has not been furled it can be achieved,
That’s why I chose feminism because I believe in equality,
I needed one thing more and now I've conceived it,
It’s the mentality to spread the love over animosity.
When you were born who did you seek?
To those who believe women are weak.

A woman should not…………,
No female is smarter than…………,
A man can not…………….,
Stupid lines since this world began,
Why engage in fruitless endeavors?
A woman can sit, drink, smoke, cuss and say no whenever.

There is a common phenomenon you probably have faced,
And thus I know the men some friends have become,
Whenever I remember it leaves a bitter taste,
Especially in Nigeria where I come from,
It’s regarding women as housekeepers
Yeah, this is deep but oh I go deeper.

Going to a party where guys have to pay,
But the girls get their entrance fee waived,
If for the money you make me stay,
That’s insanity of the pride to which I am enslaved,
Some people think it’s cool but I find it maddening,
Cuz it makes me as a lady appear like a commodity.

Feminism has created an avenue to raise daughters more like sons... but few have the audacity to raise our sons more like our daughters. 






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