The Selfie Obsession

THE SELFIE OBSESSION WHAT IS A SELFIE? The oxford dictionary describes it as ‘’another word for self portrait photograph using a hand-held or phone camera’’. Recently, a selfie inclined friend was asking me if some of her selfie pictures were good; if she wasn’t looking too fat and all. Immediately I said ‘ you are not really photogenic but you are beautiful. Oyaaaa…….”face of JABU’’. Realizing that she felt bad about my response, I quickly said, ‘’u know some people ain’t beautiful but r photogenic and vice versa’’ dat kain fnn naaa…u sef knw . infact ur own beta, me knw even sabi where I stand sef. Then she smiled again. Instagram is fast becoming the most popular selfie social media platform expecting likes,comments and all. All ova d world r selfie addicts. YES SELFIE ADDICTS! I v cin pple on several occasions taking a selfie by d road side, events, traffic, even while driving. However, m gonna focus on JABUITES especially the girls. I knw a BCH student who spends mo...