


                                                   LIVE FOR TWO

At the bus stop it all started
Ojuelegba! Ojuelegba! Ojuelegba!!!
The conductor's song of daily bread
Though with no butter to spread
Sitting by each other, they conversed and laughed
Digits on demand lived on each's phone
"Have a nice day"
They parted with a smile
As the rain drove lovers off the bay
Down the bedroom, Down the aisle

On the eve of the next day
They lived in the virtual world
Out of earth they travelled
Questions asked, some answered
Others left for the maker
Seconds gave birth to minutes
Minutes suckled into hours
Hours crawled into days
They built a castle of their love story
As the day grew by, they dwell in it

Their love they built in isolation
Away from hate and tearful erosion
Away from pain and sadness
Away as far as the wilderness
But stormy winds blew their love castle
Though made of concrete, still bowed to the storm
Storm of jealousy, storm of envy
Storm so heavenly, yet so deadly
Crashing on dreams and promises
Crashing on love's hypothesis

On a sickbed laid
The female version of the architecture
Her bedside he flooded with tearful emotions
For the storm, her heart foundation shook
And her breath, the lightening took
In their last moment as unknown lovers
Moment of tears, love's last supper
For in nuptial nuts they weren't screwed
And in love's captivity, never glued
She said these words with a dying breath

"Though you drive, please take a walk
To the park where it all started
Have a seat, smile and converse
As though I'm with you
Laugh so hard, let a tear drop
And kiss the palm you held my hand
When your home you build
Build as though for two
For in you I still live
Please build for two

When the walls of your tummy churn
And the bells ring out in yawn
A call for food, and food you buy
Don't forget I live in you
Set a plate opposite you
Stare at it, smile and cry
For there's a placenta
That connects me to you
Lest I die in hunger"
In Romeo's eyes he admired the poison
Shaved and trapped in Sampson's prison
Emotions drowned in Titanic's ocean
To die for two, a Valentine's portion
In her eyes he saw white angels
Dancing to the beat of her collapsing heart
Every sound they scripted in pages
Her arrival to grace in melodious art
Speedily he sealed her lips with a kiss
And to her ears whispered these

"You were formed of my rib
Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone
Make me not a crown without a throne
Share my rib. No, take the rib
If with death's wind you get blown
And live's ship, I sail alone
If destiny berth on hardship's zone
In whose arms shall I moan and groan?
When death gobbles my cornerstone
And I'm left with a house without a home

Please, send a mesSage to Mama
A little tears, a little drama
As I hobble the gloomy path of dark shadows
And crown you, a single widow
Print my name on a million candles
A monument of flames, in memories of love
Of you I shall tell to a thousand angels
And our story scripted here and above
So kiss me the poison, and live anew
For love, I will die for two

Jointly written by..
Peter Benjamin Peter
Esther Umoh


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