



POSTED ON AUGUST 23, 2017                   Live a life Lend a hand Bend a kneel Cross your four with a one Speak your mind Listen before you talk Talk after you’ve listened Give and await no return Laugh with those who value your worth Cry with those that mourn When confuse, ask questions. So your life won’t be miserable For dying young is terrible. And when they ask you How you do it? Tell them you’ve found peace within! And remember to pray for guidance From a higher power. Pa Shakespeare  


IBUDE [COMFORT] Days numbered after day Muttered words we’ve had to say May our dreams begin today Even in rebellion through faith we pray That our burden be light so we will be no prey For the legacy, we leave most will lay  Life they say ‘is a race not relay And with a few words, the wise is may Whilst the foolish dismay Thus  We live in a time that is frail So we toil day through night that we do not fail But you Do not forget that it’s white that turns gray Go  Com and Fort that you go not astray  For with earthlings, not all Com and stay.  PA SHAKESPHEARE

saefpoem: 'ÉGHÉ [ "TIME" ]

saefpoem: 'ÉGHÉ [ "TIME" ] : With time,  The barren becomes pregnant,  With time,  The pregnant woman becomes a mother,  With time,  The mother become...

'ÉGHÉ [ "TIME" ]

With time,  The barren becomes pregnant,  With time,  The pregnant woman becomes a mother,  With time,  The mother becomes a daughter,  With time,  The married woman becomes a widow,  With time,  The childless widow becomes an object of obscurity,  And weak pity.  With time, An heroes deed are told as stories, While great events become myths, And Once-Upon-A-Time.  For with time, Mountains metamorphose to sands,  Rivers turn farmlands,  And Hills reduce to slime.  And time, Frowns nor smiles on nothing, Neither does he give nor take something.  For only a fool boast with a dime.  Oh time,  You are so slow but yet too fast,  For our tomorrow only becomes yesterday,  Like the uncertain coloration of a lime.  Man is a slave to time,  As all men will answer to his call,  For the authority he exacts is divine...

Beauty In Darkness






Tell Freedom (The Black Souls)

Sanity was dressed in filth And nobody recognized her. The long days and warm nights Sped along, chased one another, And were lost in time. And time, Men, and something within us Conspired against us and our innocence. The gloom of the land rushed on to meet us. Suddenly four white lads were about us. "I'll have these ones, " a  cucumber-headed lad said. "What's the matter?" We asked. "You're going to fight us," he said. "We fight fair," another said. "We don't want to fight," We said. "You'll fight!" said cucumber -head. Why?" "We want to kill you!" "What have we done," We cried "You're black," the third lad said. "Ready! "For this much all men know: Despite compromise, War, struggle, the Negro is not free”. The Negro is not free For we sow while others reap The golden increment of bursting fruit, Not always countenance, ab...


Grammar can be tough. There are a lot of rules to follow, and a lot to wrap your head around. Some of the rules we learn in school, though, aren’t exactly accurate. While some function as helpful guidelines for style and form, other so-called ‘rules’ are inventions, or ‘superstitions,’ as the lexicographer Henry W. Fowler called them. Here are some common grammar myths: 1. You can’t end a sentence with a preposition Most of us learned in school that ending a sentence with a  preposition  was a mistake. This ‘rule,’ however, is misguided, dating from the 17 th  century, when several notable writers tried to codify English to fit more neatly with Latin grammar. Clearly, there are instances where attempting to avoid ending a sentence in a preposition results in a statement that is either over-formal or simply poor English. An over-formal example might be: ‘He told her that there was nothing  of  which to be frightened.’ An example of poor English (or Yo...

saefpoem: LIVE FOR TWO

saefpoem: LIVE FOR TWO :                                        STORY                                #LIVE_FOR_TWO (Script 2)                                   ...


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