Twas like every November before it, But this one came with an air of uncertainty, For the drums of celebrations had halted in may. When Owen celebrated his second birthday. Fate was finally smiling at Evbareke Those around her had thought, For indeed she, the child whose mother abandoned just nine months after her birth. And left in the care of her sick father, Aged grand mother, And family members who cared less For her existence. Had grown to become a beautiful girl, Whose nature was fair, Like the back of a ripe alimo fruit Which falls bountifully in the Month of March. She, the girl whose childhood Was characterize by total neglect and Destitution had out of nothing found favour, In the eyes of a decorated soja man. Fast forward to 1989. Her civil servant father died of an eerie Circumstance; a live fish was removed From his stomach. Her life regained some sanity ...